It’s been another busy week, I am glad it is the weekend. My work week went well, I got a lot of stuff done and stayed pretty busy. Ava did pretty well this week, she is really fun sometimes. Jenn and I almost got her to laugh, but it was more of just a giggle. She is now purposely smiling quite a bit, and there is nothing better than having you baby smile at you.
Jenn is preparing to go back to teaching for 8 weeks to finish out her year, so this will be interesting. I am predicting nights of lesson planning and paper grading and generally finding there are not enough hours in the day. The only good thing is that it is only for 8 weeks, but that seems like a long time right now. One day at a time I guess; that’s the only way to get through some things.
I got a front baby carrier for Ava, it was only $15 and so far it seems to be pretty nice. Ava loves sitting forward and watching everything as we walk around. This way I can walk around with her strapped to my chest and still be somewhat productive as I can use my arms. Simple things like laundry are now possible while “holding” Ava!
I got some more house work done this weekend. Sometimes I think home ownership is nothing more than fixing things faster than they break. This weekend I fixed two of the three fence posts that had broken, which was causing the fence to lean over. I got some galvanized fence posts and the associated bracketry to tie it all together. Digging the holes wasn’t too bad, lots of roots for the first 12 inches, but after that it went well. I set the posts level, then poured about 30 pounds of concrete in each hole, this has worked well for me in the past.
After I got that done, I did some major pruning on our snowball tree in preparation of putting down bark. I ripped out the old plastic lawn edging and dug a small trench for some new, beefier lawn edging. Once I get this done I will buy a bunch of bark and put it on top of the felt I layed down. Lots to do, but it will look nice. That’s the thing with having a big yard, it is lots of work but it sure does look nice after the work is done.
Anyway that’s all for now. Time for some sleep.
Hi guys. I hadn’t clicked on your site for ages. Interesting that it’s not filled with caves and motor talk at the present time. Glad that you have a nice house and AVA to work on, clean up, fix and change. Those are great new endeavors, and you will find that – if your life is long and healthy – you will have plenty of time for lots of things later. This is a wonderful but busy phase in your life and we hope that you are enjoying it. It passes quicker that you can imagine. We are pleased to have such nice “first cousins once removed” Our Love Carol and Jerry