I have been dreaming about sewing cloth diapers for about 7 months now but honestly didn’t think I would ever do it. I told Scott I wanted a snap press for Christmas so we bought one on ebay. It had to ship from China so my gift didn’t arrive until March. Once it was here I couldn’t just let it sit.. so I tackled what I thought to be impossible and now I can’t stop sewing! Every night after Ava goes to bed I have a hot date with my sewing machine! Scott has been so nice, he encourages me to sew every night and always seems impressed as each diaper gets better and better.
This is a pocket diaper (blue one) and a fitted diaper.
Here is Ava modeling the first diaper I made before I put the snaps on. She’s so adorable!
Good job Jenn they look so cute! Yous hould sale them on craigslist!
You told me you couldn’t sew! I’m totally impressed.
Another good place to sell is etsy.com. They charge a fee similar to ebay but a lot less. It’s also not an auction format like ebay.
Oh Jenn you are full of surprises:) They look really really cute, and Ava is modelling well:)