a BIG deal…

What’s the big deal around our house these days? Ava no longer nurses!

I am proud that Ava nursed until she was 2 1/2. Honestly, I never expected Ava to nurse this long. Most of my friends with nurslings self-weaned. I just thought one day she would decide that she was far too busy to nurse. But that day didn’t seem to be coming any time soon. Ava’s nursing was so much more to her than nutrition. It was her comfort to unfamiliar people and places, it made hurts all better, it was her snuggle time with Mommy, and she nursed just for fun! She was an avid nurser, still nursing 5-7 times/day. Since she enjoyed it so much, I couldn’t imagine taking it away. But after many exhausting evenings filled with bedtime drama, Scott and I were left feeling deflated and began to discuss easier ways to put Ava to bed. Although we had a consistent routine, Ava would never go down peacefully. Nursing came up as the biggest issue. That discussion occurred on Sunday, July 19. We decided that Ava would no longer nurse on Saturday July, 25.

I prepared Ava everyday, telling her she would have a “big girl party” and say bye-bye to nursing. I let her plan her party. We talked about how being a big girl meant no nursing. She has many picture books of nursing kitties and puppies, so we discussed how they stop nursing when they get big. As the week went on I realized that Ava was ready to give it up. Although she nursed quite frequently, I think it was more out of habit. She no longer requested to nurse when she got hurt, she didn’t ask when she felt uncomfortable, and she certainly no longer needed it to fill her belly. She was pretty much just a recreational nurser.

When Saturday came I was so nervous and sad. I asked Ava if she wanted to nurse one last time before saying goodbye. She said, “No, I want cake.” So the party began!

Ava requested a strawberry cake. “Not strawberry flavor, just strawberry shaped!”






It has been 6 days now. Both Ava and I are doing much better than I expected. When Ava requests to nurse, I remind her of her big girl status and she’s fine. She did have one meltdown after awaking from her nap on Sunday.. but Scott offered her a bowl of whipped cream and she was perfectly happy! The best part? Bedtime is a breeze! No tears – just lots of kisses, hugs, and I love yous!

One thought on “a BIG deal…

  1. Anonymous

    Jenn and Ava congratulations…. You must have asked for a cake for yourself as well Jenn! I guess sometimes it is harder for mommy to quit nursing. Aylin has stopped nursing at night for the first time, and as much as I enjoy my sleep I also miss our special time together.

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