Ava got a “princess ball” for Christmas. Then she wanted it suspended so she could swing it. We put a 2×4 up on top of our free-standing wall in the hallway like this:
Princess Ball attached and swinging
Well then she figured out she could swing on her ball. Only we didn’t build it for the strength and stresses of a human swinging.
So we re-engineered the “swing” and used a heavier rope and made a handle out of PVC pipe and gorilla tape. Now she is like a monkey at the zoo, swinging every day and getting brave by even hanging upside down!
Ava, you are one nutty little monkey! When I watch you swing, it brings back memories of the circus trapeze artists! Your daddy is pretty clever, and your mommy is very tolerant to let your daddy do such a thing!
(Jenn and Scott……don’t let her try hanging by her teeth like my cousin Doug did when he was little. It doesn’t work!)
Adorable videos!
I love this!! Sophia got that same princess ball but I can’t show her these videos because she’ll be soooo jealous. This is an awesome idea too!! Ava has gotten quite brave.