Good as New

kids are smart. I love learning new things from them. Yesterday Ava taught me “Good as New”. She was crying about something. I can’t remember what. She left the room. Five minutes later she emerges from her room smiling and bright-eyed and said, “Good as new!” I was amazed. I wish I had taught her that. She did it again today. And she told me, “mommy, I just go into my room, wipe my tears, and then I’m good as new.” wow. that is all I could say.

And speaking of wow. For many months now Ava has been adamant about dressing herself. I love her independence and I want to encourage it. But it seems on Ava’s most weird/crazy outfit days, we see an old friend at the park or grocery store. It’s these times that I feel it’s necessary to inform them that Ava dresses herself. I don’t know why I have to be so shallow about it. Even though I silently tell myself not to say anything, my stupid mouth is blurting out that Ava dresses herself before we even say hello! As if it weren’t obvious. Below are just a few of the outfits I managed to capture a photo of.

She wore this one to church. yup, that’s size 18 month pajama bottoms, an un-matching pajama shirt, and a backwards ballet leotard!

layers are good, however, it was 90 degrees outside.

At home, it’s pretty typical to find Ava missing either her top or her bottoms.

3 thoughts on “Good as New

  1. Celeste Smith

    We could all learn from Ava. I love her outfits. YOu are such a good mom to let her wear them, even if you feel the need to tell people she dressed herself. I am one of those moms that feels the need to change my kids into different clothes if we are going out. So I could learn from you as well.

  2. mamalamadingdong!

    i love when kids insist on putting outfits together on their own! all last year jonas insisted on wearing 2 different shoes. he also puts his shirts on backwards quite often cuz he thinks it’s funny. i’m so used to it i don’t even notice until someone says something. hey, it’s just clothes right…at least they’re not running around in the nude at church!

  3. Nancy

    I think Ava looks like a fashion model! Everything I’ve seen lately in the magazines and catalogs look just like her outfits. I thought she was going to be an entomologist, but now maybe a clothes designer? We shall see!
    Thanks for the posts!

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