I’ve been itching to go flying lately but every weekend seems like it has been overcast with fowl weather. Today we looked out the window and saw blue skies. It was a bit gusty but I asked Ava if she wanted to go flying and she responded with an enthusiastic “Yes!” so we reserved a plane for a few hours this afternoon and just flew around for fun and I did some practice landings to stay proficient.
I put Ava in the airplane (her first time in the front seat!), did the preflight, then we taxied for a few minutes and finally did an engine runup. We taxied up to the runway hold line, got clearance for takeoff, and Ava asked “Now can we fly, daddy?”. I said we are taking off now, here we go!
So we are on our initial climbout, and I look over at Ava about 10 seconds after we tookoff and she is fast asleep. 🙂
She almost always falls asleep in the airplane. Must be the drone of the engine and the warmth of the heater.
She stayed asleep till we were on final approach at Emmett and awoke just as we were landing there. Ava had a great time looking for rattlesnakes in the foothills (one of her current interests is snakes). She says she spotted one from 5000’… I didn’t see it 🙂