We have been getting a kick out of Ava’s BIG words!
“Mommy, stop judging me around!”
Practicing shrugging her shoulders: “this feels unnatural.”
I”m in Ava’s room helping her clean up: “Actually Mommy, I would prefer to clean it myself.”
“Daddy, will you come and play when you are available?”
“Silly Mommy. She didn’t organize my blankets how I like them.”
Playing on the floor with Ava, she looks at my bare feet and says, “Mommy, I saw a commercial for some stuff that is meant to soften heels.”
“When we go to the beach in San Diego, can we play in the water or will we get hypothermia?”
A picture of our sleeping angel:
this is so cute! she is so articulate. kids are so truthful and to the point. i love it!
What a crack up! I especially like the one about your feet. Don’t you sometimes wish you could freeze time for just a little while?
Ava has been using “BIG” words ever since she could talk! I’m so glad you wrote them down so you can remember all of her cute little sayings. I always forgot to do that, and now I’m sorry!