One? Already? Where did the year go?
I am still shocked that Annalise is one. Time flew way to quickly. I didn’t get enough time to enjoy her infancy. I want to hit rewind, it’s not fair! My last baby…
Of course, I am also incredibly happy for all of Lisey’s growing and learning. Here are some interesting facts about our little one-year-old:
*She is a crazy-fast crawler. One minute she’s with you, the next she’s clear across the room. The best part is, she hasn’t learned the game to crawl away really fast while someone chases her. She still turns around and comes back every time we call her name (don’t stop doing this Lise).
*She takes 2 naps a day. Goes to bed around 6:30, waking to nurse anywhere from 10:30-4:00am, but sometimes sleeps through the night.
*She loves to put small objects in her mouth, but will always allow them to drop out when we ask her to.
*When an objects gets stuck on her hand while crawling (like a small rock, a bead, or wood chip) she gets it off by eating it off of her hand, and then spitting it out.
*She has 6 teeth (4 top, 2 bottom). A third bottom tooth is on it’s way!
*She does not like cows milk. at all. Not with added honey, or even a little chocolate syrup. Her favorite foods are string cheese, yogurt, oatmeal, carrots, grapes, and chicken. She LOVES her chicken! She also will adore a certain snack for about 1 week, and then wham-o! all of a sudden has no desire for it. This bothers me to no end. Just when I think I have a sure snack that I can always have on hand, she no longer likes it.
Also, while on the subject of food. Even if Annalise is hungry, she thinks it’s much more fun to feed Farley. She doesn’t just throw her food on the floor and watch farley retrieve it. Lise just hands it to Farley and Farley is tall enough that she gently takes it out of Lise’s hand. Of course Lise is enamoured by this and will do it until no more food remains. In this video, I just put Farley outside and told Lise she doesn’t need to feed Farley:
*She is obsessed with everything and thinks she needs it right away. She does this high-pitched inhaling voice as she points desperately at what she MUST have.
*She’s very good at mimicking. She’ll say anything you say. But, consistently, without imitating she says:
dada, mama, ball, balloon, dog (with a long o), doll (long o), down, more, no (her new favorite), nana (referring to Ava, gramma, and nana), hi, and hello.
*If she goes missing and all is quiet, we know she’s in the laundry room playing in the water bowl. Every now and then she likes to surprise us with a new item in the dog dish:
or farley’s favorite hamburger toy
*She has thrown a small toy into my coffee twice! Every cup or bucket she sees apparently has a need to be filled.
I can go on and on about this little cutie! She has the very BEST big sister in the world! Ava’s love for Lise is insurmountable. If you’ve ever read The Hunger Games, Annalise to Ava is the same as Prim to Katniss. Ava would do anything for her little sis.
*Some of the nick names Ava has lovingly given Lise:
-Annalisey-lula-belle-Madeline Fuhrman
-Lise, Lisey, Lisey-lou
Here’s a few pics from Lise’s very first birthday.
she was on a fruit loop kick during her birthday week, so of course, we made her a fruit loop cake.
Ava picked out this birthday crown. To everyone’s surprise, Lisey left it on.
She looks just like her daddy (with a hint of jenn)!
She enjoyed this lollipop so much. If I were to do it all over again, I would’ve given just the lollipop for first birthday fun. Who needs the cake?
Happy 1st Birthday Lisey! We love you!
holy cow! i can’t believe her bday came and went, and i didn’t even realize….happy birthday to your youngest! and dom too ferociously dislikes milk…honey, chocolate, strawberry…just won’t drink it, not even a drop. oh, i can’t wait to get our kids together this summer!
What a great post, Jenn! I also can’t believe Lisee is a year old! She truly has her own adorable little personality! That’s only one of the cool things sibblings don’t share….their individuality! Throughout their lives you will wonder how they ever came from the same two parents! You and Scott have two very precious little angels! They are both growing up WAY TOO FAST!
oh thanks for sharing. We wish we could be there and watch both wonderful girls change. I love watching my girls personality and sisterliness develop so I know what you mean. You guys have wonderful girls and we’re very blessed to have you in our lives. Miss you lots, The Harwoods.
Happy (late) bday Annalise. We hope to make up for al these missed bdays when we are there:) Love Hulya
Hi Christine and Steven,Not to show disrespect for mhoterhood, as being a parent myself, yet all this talk of mountain climbing and marathons I find to be a little over the top and out of context. That’s not to suggest Bee shouldn’t get as much rest as possible, as she most certainly has some trying days ahead, which have been further complicated with the fact she is going to give birth to twins, along with a few other things. However it should not be lost sight of this being a natural process, for which she has been similarly endowed with what is needed to cope and in many respects attributes that exceed what most have, which include her demonstrated fortitude, perseverance and intelligence. So to look at things from another perspective, is to ask, if I were a child about to come into this world and given the ability to select my mother, Bee would certainly be seen as a wonderful choice, along with Stefan a great selection as a father. You might think such evaluation being made based on what they do as to be component in professionally; yet that would be a mistake, as what it primarily attributed to resultant of my observations connected with the writing and maintenance of this blog. That is over time has it not only have made evident them being intelligent and thoughtful people, yet more importantly ones who genuinely care for others; with my fellow loyal readers out there standing as both witnesses and benefactors. So if I were a child, understanding the demonstrated capacity these two have in regard for those who are essentially strangers, I find it hard to imagine the quality of nurture I might enjoy, as provided by their depth of guidance, caring and compassion as being their much loved offspring. So rather than reminding, as perhaps to alarm Bee and Stefan of the difficulties and challenges they face, I would have them assured not only they being able to cope, yet have already demonstrated to many they are so able better than most.Best,Phil
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