Ava’s Slide

Over the weekend, Ava and I had lots of fun making a tent using the couch, couch cushions, and a blanket. After the tent collapsed, it became a slide. Ava was having lots of fun scooting her bottom down the cushion. But then daddy came home from his run and switched things up a bit… He’s much more fun than mommy!



After she was done sliding, she decided it was her baby Aylin’s turn to slide. Sorry about all the background noise in the video, Max was watching football and firing off his dart gun. 🙂

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She played with this slide for nearly 2 hours!

4 thoughts on “Ava’s Slide

  1. Celeste

    Seriously, that has GOT to be the cutest thing I have seen all day? You guys are such good parents. What a fun Daddy Scott is.

  2. Anonymous

    Wow what cute pictures of our little Ava! She is so darn smart and adorable! I love those computer pictures…she looks so intense! Jenn, I’m still racking by brain trying to figure out where she decided to use the word stem for belly-button. I’m still laughing over how she sang “Jingle Bells” in the car over and over word perfect at the tender age of almost 23 months! I think I only knew the words “mommy” and “daddy” at her age.

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