We went to a Thai restaurant over the weekend. The meals are huge so I didn’t order anything for Ava. I just figured Scott and I would share our food with her. When our lunch arrived, Scott put some of his rice on Ava’s plate, and I gave her some noodles and other veggies she usually likes. She turned to Scott and I and said, “Where’s my food?” We pointed to her plate and replied, “that’s your food.” She replied, “this is YOUR food!” We kind of ignored her and continued to eat. She ate bits and pieces off her plate. When the waitress came to see if everything was okay, Ava looked up and said, “Where’s my food?” The waitress thought she said, “where’s my friend?” so she told Ava how cute she was and that her friends weren’t there. I was so proud of Ava for being brave enough to ask a stranger for her food but I also felt really bad for not ordering her something of her own. We’ve learned our lesson, Ava!
This picture has nothing to do with the above post. It was taken on St. Patrick’s day at the Brick Oven Beanery. Ava decided to eat Nana’s dinner instead of her own!
What Thai was it? We love thai any good places you know of?
How funny. I honestly love that she has strong convictions!
What a funny story! We had a similar experience the other day, when Aylin claimed her mommy’s ice cream as her own! Love, Uncle Dave, Aunt Hulya, and little cousin Aylin