After 4 months, countless mornings of getting up at 4:30AM to go fly before work, studying textbooks in the evenings, doing flight plan after flight plan, 500 miles of cross county trips, 3.2 hours of night flight, 3.4 hours of instrument flying, 20 hours of dual instruction flight, 31 hours of solo flight, and 176 takeoffs and 176 landings (it’s good for them to be equal 🙂 ), today I passed my Private Pilot FAA practical exam (checkride) and now hold in my hand my temporary airman certificate! (That’s what they give you until your real one comes in the mail).
Just glad to be done - now I can’t wait to take Jenn and Ava up. Many, many, many thanks to Jenn for being so supportive, she’s the absolute best.
My parting advice from the pilot examiner was to always follow the rule on the placard below (above the altimeter), “Don’t do anything stupid!”
Congrats, now Jenn has to buy you a plane for your graduation present.
Congratulations Scott! That’s is so neat! You are right on two things…..First – Follow the rules and “don’t do anything stupid”, and second – Jenn is the absolute BEST! She is so supportive in everything you do. I can’t tell you how fortunute you are to have such a wonderful wife!
Congratulations Scott (and Jenn)!
Have safe flights.
Congratulations Scott! I see many family flights in your future.