Yesterday my dad and I went for a flight in the PPC. The weather didn’t seem too bad on the surface, but it was a very bumpy flight and we got tossed around quite a bit. So not the most enjoyable flight. I think we were both glad to be on the ground again after landing. It was one of those flights where you are glad everything is overbuilt, and very glad that a powered parachute self-corrects in almost any condition. A few nasty wind gusts pitched and rolled the cart at times. Overall it just wasn’t a relaxing and enjoyable flight like it should have been and normally is. We’ll try it again maybe on a smooth day when we are in a big high pressure weather system.
Packing the chute up after landing
Hey Scott, just a few pointers from my own experience regarding the wind gusts… When I encounter them in my XYZ3000 model, I usually just quickly turn directly into the gust, and give it full throttle, while screaming up the heavens “C’mon, Is THAT all you got!?”. It seems to smooth out the bumps a bit, and also I think sooths any nervous passengers. Just wanted to mention it.
Also, if that doesn’t help, you might try lubricating the ball bearings inside the outer left casing of the flex capacitor. I just re-built mine last weekend, and it makes one heckuva difference.