Minnesota Highlights

We have been anticipating going to Minnesota for a long time now to visit our good friends, the Harwoods. Well, April 9th finally came and we headed to the boise airport.

Scott and Ava at the airport.

We went to Gale Woods Farm near Ben and Niki’s house to see baby animals.

Abbey, Niki, Ava, and Scott petting a lamb.

Sophia and Abbey petting a BIG dog (that recently had eye surgery).

Ava feeding the piglets.

Niki and Abbey

Minnesota Zoo



Scott called this stroller the “fun bus” and the girls LOVED it! They also enjoyed slushies and had red and blue faces. Lots people would laugh at how cute they were with their messy faces!

Ava balancing on dinosaur bones. Ben and Abbey are also in the backround.

Children’s Museum

Niki painting Ava’s face

Sophia’s painted face.

Sophia the firewoman.

Ava the mail carrier.

Puppies in their dog house!

Niki and Sophia in dinosaur land.

Bubbles in the Yard





We had so much fun! We left cold weather in Boise and arrived to beautiful weather in Minnesota. The girls were so cute together! Sophia referred to Ava as her best friend… “Where’s my best friend?” Ava didn’t sleep the greatest so she was pretty emotional but she still had a great time. Yesterday we were talking about the differences in Idaho and Minnesota and she asked which one I liked better. Then I asked her. She replied, “Minnesota because my best friend is there.”

Thank you Ben and Niki for a wonderful time! We really appreciate you putting up with us for an entire week! We really felt at home.

Ava fell asleep on the plane coming home. This is how we pushed her through the airport.


4 thoughts on “Minnesota Highlights

  1. Niki H

    Thanks for posting the pictures! We had a great time and would love to have you back anytime! I’m gld Ava was able to get some sleep on the ride home. lots of love,

  2. Nancy

    What fun the girls must have had together! You posted so many great pictures of everyone except you, Jenn. I guess you were always the one with the camera, huh!
    Love you,

  3. Jenn

    I don’t think I want any pictures of me taken right now! I look like a beached whale!

  4. Jajakulation

    I’ve started asnkig permission in woodbury, washington county. so far i’m 0-3. I’m on the waiting list for a plat book.Like everyone else here i’m looking for spots close to home. i’m also asnkig churches in the area who are located on land with wooded areas etc The city of woodbury has a map indicating where you can hunt on private land with signed permission you need to present to the police. i’m hoping i get permission from a couple of land owners.

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