Shout out to Scott

As many of you know, I have some pretty severe pelvic pain which has really effected (affected?) my daily life. I can only walk short distances, can’t stand too long, and can’t lift Ava at all. I haven’t been professionally diagnosed but I am pretty sure I have pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain.

Scott has really stepped in and for that, I feel incredibly lucky (and loved)! He does the dishes, picks up the house, grocery shops.. etc. Last Thursday, Ava’s school had a field trip to the zoo. Scott took the morning off work to take her. It was definitely not zoo weather so he stopped at D&B and bought matching carhartt sweatshirts!

Scott and Ava in their matching shirts just getting home from the zoo.

Also, Scott took Ava to Cascade for the weekend just so that I can get some r&r before baby arrives. Thank you Scott for all the incredible things you do. I am so blessed to have you! I love you.

5 thoughts on “Shout out to Scott

  1. Celeste Smith

    Wow!!! You guys are such a cool couple. You are a lucky mommy, and Ava is a lucky girl. They look so cute! I hope you get to feeling better.

  2. Nancy

    Dearest Jenn,
    I’m so pleased Scott is helping you during this time. He must have received some of his fathers genes – which is a good thing. Roger was sooooooo much help with the boys, before, during and after the pregnancies. I hope it doesn’t stop after “little junior” is born! Scott is truely blessed to have sure a wonderful wife and mother of his children!

  3. Nancy

    oops…i mean SUCH a wonderful wife and mother of his children. My proofreading skills need HELP!

  4. erica

    ahhhh. he’s a sweet hubby. so glad we’ve been able to visit despite your uncomfies. it’s also great that ava has been getting in some fun daddy time!

  5. Hulya

    Jenn I am sorry to hear that you are having pelvic pain and bravo to Scott for being so helpful. I had the same pain for most of my pregnancy. I tried many things (supportive belts, physical therapy) but resisted taking pain killers. I went to a specialist and he said the most helpful things is actually to rest as much as possible, but I couldn’t as I was working The only think then helped me was actually acupuncture. Good luck and happy mother’s day. Hulya

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