Ava has been putting words together and saying sentences for awhile now. I have always wanted to write down the funny things she says but she says so many funny things in a day it’s hard to keep track of them all. Here are a few of my favorites.
Once when Scott had to drive halfway on the sidewalk, from her carseat Ava says, "Daddy, what are you doing?"
She also has an imaginary tickle bug that is always in her hand, armpit, or pocket. Sometimes he flies away and she says, "Tickle-bug, where are you? I don’t see him."
She likes to sing a song that goes "Mud, mud, I love Mud…." she sings this frequently and even subtitutes other words in for Mud like Dad or bugs.
And within the last few days she says "Mommy, take a picture." It’s cute, however, she wants me to take a picture of EVERYTHING. It’s funny because she doesn’t smile or pose for the camera.. she just wants me to take her picture. Here are some of those pictures.
And here she is holding hands with a friend at the park. Both girls thought holding hands was the greatest thing in the history of the earth!
You are so smart to write things down like Ava’s little sentences. They’re so easy to forget! I just love her dancing in her costume…she is really getting into it! My favorites are: “Tickle bug….Oh no, oh no, oh no!” and I just love it when she says “cool!” and “sometimes”. Her little high pitched voice is too cute!