In July we went to the Oregon Coast with Scott’s parents and brothers’ families and Jenn’s younger brother Max. So the fifteen of us (Jenn, Ava, Annalise, Scott, Max, John, Jess, Kayla, Piper, Sawyer, Dave, Hulya, Aylin, Roger and Nancy) rented a beach house in Gleneden Beach, Oregon We left at 04:30 AM, drove all day and arrived mid afternoon. The entire picture set is [here], but here are some of the highlights of our trip.
The long drive went surprisingly well. Plenty of “are we there yet?”s but all things considered it was a fun drive. Luckily Scott brought an old tape cassette of MC Hammer’s “U Can’t Touch This” to pass the time and pass the bad music we listened to as kids on to the next generation.
The house had a hot tub that the kids (and adults) really enjoyed.
One of the best things about all staying in the same house is watching all the cousins bond and have a great time.
One day we rented a boat and went crabbing in the Newport bay.
…and had a crab feast that evening…
Scott towed the powered parachute trailer to the coast as there was a small municipal airport 5 minutes away from the beach house. The weather was unusually good and we were able to get a flight in almost every morning. This is some of the most scenic flying, really beats the flying in the Idaho desert.
thanks for posting this Scott! i was feeling overwhelmed with all the pictures and videos!! I love you and I really loved flying with you along the coast!
thanks for sharing scott and jenn. we had such great time with all of you and please tell Ava and Annalise hos much Aylin missed them and she is still proud that she was able to hold Annalise alone:) Love Hulya
Life has cotninued to throw stuff at me but I cotninue to battle against the tide and am finally in a much better place than I was and the break has been much needed! I look forward to your post when you are ready Hope you are doing well!? x
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