Author Archives: jenn

Better Late than Never – Halloween 2011

Ava’s favorite movie is Charlotte’s Web. So, naturally, she didn’t want to just be a spider for Halloween.. she wanted to be Charlotte, a grey barn spider. Annalise was going to be a tiger since that’s what Ava was around her age, but Ava really wanted Lisey to be Wilbur the pig from Charlotte’s Web. So, I did the best I could with what we had.

It was a Nana day so I put the girls in their costume when I picked them up. Ava is very cute and very excited!

everyone thought Annalise was piglet.. unless she was standing right next to Ava.

trick-or-treating at Grandma and Grandpa’s.

one excited girl and two handsome guys.

posing in front of a giant web

Lisey trick-or-treated at 3 houses. She was such a trooper. I thought for sure I was going to have to go home and put her to bed while Scott and Ava carried on, but Lisey loved being in the stroller watching all the action.

And that was that. We came home and Ava spent the rest of the night passing out candy. She was so good at answering the door, making sure everyone got some candy and saying, “happy halloween!” When asked about her favorite part of halloween, Ava will say, “passing out the candy.”


Who’s there?


that’s it. there really is no joke here. We really had carrots delivered to our door last Tuesday and the girls went nuts! Apparently, carrots + green leafy part still attached = the yummiest snack a kid has ever had!

look at these girls!






I had plans for yummy soups and stews with those carrots, but they devoured the whole bunch. That’s okay though. I’m just happy they enjoyed them!

Life on the Boggy


Meet the boggy.

This is the name Annalise has affectionately given our bed. More specifically, it means she wants to get up and play on the bed. It’s catching. Now, we all call it the boggy.

Last night Scott asked me when Annalise was going to start talking. I was baffled.

What do you mean, I said. She talks.

She says things weird. I can’t understand her. he replied.

Our little Lisey certainly has her own language but I love it. I understand her just fine. And I think for the most part, others who don’t spend all day with her, would probably understand her Lise-isms too.

For example:

She walks around the house with her left hand, palm up near her shoulder saying, baby? or Dada? What is she saying? If you guessed, Where’s baby? or Where’s Dada? you get a point!

If she watches Ava do something, like go outside. She runs to the door and says, “do” or maybe she’s saying “too”. At any rate, it means she wants to do it too.

If she points at something and says, “uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh (a thousand times)” she wants that thing and you’d better give it to her if you want the “uh’s” to stop.

“poop” – easy peasy. she needs a diaper change. (there may or may not be poo)

“op” (long O). this has a double meaning so you gotta use context clues. she wants something opened or she wants to wash her hands with soap.

“beep” – peach, apple, orange, pear (this ones a little more difficult, but Nana figured it out)

“dink” – drink

She says hi, hello, bye-bye, dog, ball, eat, baby, mama, mommy, dada, daddy but she pronounces these correctly.

And my favorite word she says is Ava (short o-va). She loves her Ava and always wants to be with her. She even calls for her to come and get her out of bed in the mornings.

I am really enjoying this stage. I can do without the extra clingyness, but we sure are enjoying the extra cuteness!
