Category Archives: Annalise

8 months old!


8 months already! Time flew too quickly.

It’s time to document some things about Annalise. Before I know it she’s going to be a mom asking me when she did this and that and I’m going to say.. “I can’t remember.” Thankfully it will forever be right here!

Weight: 14 lbs.
Height: 25 in.

What can Lisey do:

*sit unsupported
*says mama and dada and lots of other babbling. growls.
*can turn her tongue sideways.. a very amazing trick that none of us can imitate!
*eats solids.. and loves them! may have had negative reaction to peas, barley, and green beans. loves to eat gerber puffs.
*claps her hands to music.
*loves to hold hands and walk all around the house.
*rocks back and forth on hands and knees.
*make the kiss noise
*can do the pincer grasp 80% of the time but still working on mastering.
*slept through the night for the first time 2/2/2011… 7:30pm to 6:30am.
*possible teething pain but no teeth yet.


*Easy going. will let anyone hold her. Smiles at anyone that says hi to her.
*Playful. She loves to play with Ava!
*Will let us know when she doesn’t like something.

Here’s a video of Annalise clapping to Ava’s beautiful singing!

Annalise growling and making her funny face.

Happy 8th month Lisey-lou. We love you!

Annalise Stats

Like most first born babes, Ava has a baby book with all of her “firsts” carefully documented. And like many 2nd born children, Annalise has nothing. I have these dates of specific events rolling around in my head and I must write them down before they are lost forever.

June 18th, 2010: Annalise smiles. okay so she was only 2 weeks old but she would seriously give me real, genuine smiles. I was thinking they were more than just a twitch, or facial spasm, or whatever they’re called when they’re not social smiles but I wasn’t about to document them as true. But then Annalise had an appointment with our pediatrician. without any prompting from me, she said, “wow, her smile really seems to be social.” so there, it’s official.

August 26th, 2010 (2 months, 21 days): first laugh. not a belly laugh. more like a tiny whisper cough sound along with a huge smile.

September 4th, 2010 (3 months): rolls over from back to stomach. not consistently.

September 13, 2010 (3 months): first belly laugh. Mommy was making silly noises on Annalise’s tummy. of course no one was around to here it. luckily she laughed again that evening for Daddy and Ava.

3 months: first cold. congested nose, sore throat. found out that she loves the aspirator!

Annalise giving Grandma kisses. (Aug. 7, 2010)