Category Archives: Ava


The bond between these two is truly remarkable! Annalise adores Ava. Ava is a very kind, loving, and protective big sister. Scott and I are amazed at how quickly their relationship has developed! We had no idea they would be this close at such a young age.


sharing secrets under the umbrella

sharing a snack



For about 2 months, Ava would be the one to go into Lise’s room when Annalise awoke from a nap. Ava would climb into Lise’s bed, and they would play for about 20 minutes! If I walked into the room, Annalise would start to cry and want out of her bed, so I just stayed away, letting them have their special time together while listening on the monitor.

We are so blessed to have two wonderful girls! They are our heart’s delight!

PS. I forgot to mention the cutest conversation I had with Ava.

Ava: Annalise has been with us a long time.
Me: I know! doesn’t it seem like we have always had her?
Ava: We have.
Me: she’s only 10 months.
Ava: Yeah but she’s always been in my heart.

so cute! Ava melts my heart.

Wonderful Words

We have been getting a kick out of Ava’s BIG words!

“Mommy, stop judging me around!”

Practicing shrugging her shoulders: “this feels unnatural.”

I”m in Ava’s room helping her clean up: “Actually Mommy, I would prefer to clean it myself.”

“Daddy, will you come and play when you are available?”

“Silly Mommy. She didn’t organize my blankets how I like them.”

Playing on the floor with Ava, she looks at my bare feet and says, “Mommy, I saw a commercial for some stuff that is meant to soften heels.”

“When we go to the beach in San Diego, can we play in the water or will we get hypothermia?”

A picture of our sleeping angel:


Good as New

kids are smart. I love learning new things from them. Yesterday Ava taught me “Good as New”. She was crying about something. I can’t remember what. She left the room. Five minutes later she emerges from her room smiling and bright-eyed and said, “Good as new!” I was amazed. I wish I had taught her that. She did it again today. And she told me, “mommy, I just go into my room, wipe my tears, and then I’m good as new.” wow. that is all I could say.

And speaking of wow. For many months now Ava has been adamant about dressing herself. I love her independence and I want to encourage it. But it seems on Ava’s most weird/crazy outfit days, we see an old friend at the park or grocery store. It’s these times that I feel it’s necessary to inform them that Ava dresses herself. I don’t know why I have to be so shallow about it. Even though I silently tell myself not to say anything, my stupid mouth is blurting out that Ava dresses herself before we even say hello! As if it weren’t obvious. Below are just a few of the outfits I managed to capture a photo of.

She wore this one to church. yup, that’s size 18 month pajama bottoms, an un-matching pajama shirt, and a backwards ballet leotard!

layers are good, however, it was 90 degrees outside.

At home, it’s pretty typical to find Ava missing either her top or her bottoms.