Last Saturday we went to the MK Nature Center where they had an event for kids on migratory birds. Ava even got to see a live owl and a hawk up close (handled by a guy giving a presentation).
But before we went there we took the dogs (we are dog-sitting) for a walk at the school near our house.
Ava at the playground
Ava and “Momma” – she has been calling Jenn “Momma” a lot lately instead of Mommy.
She looks so old to me in this picture.
Ava loved getting a crane painted on her face and showing it off
Lots of wildlife to see.
Fish under the bridge (trout)
And fish viewing windows that Ava loved:
We even saw a blue heron up close!
Ava LOVES bugs, here she is catching ants to hold them
Ava bird watching (yes the binoculars are backwards AND upside-down)
Ava holding a real (stuffed) wood pecker. She wanted to “fly it”.
All in all, a very fun day!