Category Archives: Day to Day

Such a Cutie!

This morning Ava put her "poppy" up in her big comfy chair and climbed up to read.  She pretty much knows how the story goes so she recites it the best she can.  I didn’t catch it on video but here are the pictures. 


And here’s a picture of Daddy and Ava being Ninjas!

Busy day

 Ava and I were just playing this morning when on a whim, I decided to go to a 2nd hand children’s store called "Other Mothers".  I took Ava still in her PJ’s and headed out the door.  They were having a sale!  All clothing was 25 cents.  The only problem was that all the clothes were piled high on tables and you had to dig through them to find the size you want.  Mom’s were going crazy digging for clothes and filling up trash bags.  I thought I didn’t have time for this but I walked up to the only table that didn’t already have women rummaging through it and managed to find some cute things.   Ava was such a dream child.. in the midst of all the chaos, she just found a baby and walked around putting her baby in all the baby toys that were for sale.  I thought for sure she would get plowed over but she stayed out of the way and was very observant of my location at all times. 


Here is what I got for only $4.50.. what’s missing is a pair of shoes and two baby dolls (like we needed those).


After our early morning shopping, Ava’s friend Sophia came over.  Here are a couple pictures of them.

Ava was still in her jammies.

High five!

Tonight we are going to Crystals house for a family dinner.   







A couple of Ava’s friends came over to play today.  Ava is very possessive of her things and does not like to share.  But we had a great time.  I didn’t get a chance to take many pics so here are the two I did take. 

Ava holding Gianna’s hand


Uri pushing Ava’s baby


After her friends left, Ava and I played outside with Farley and Wellington.  It was warm today but very windy!