Category Archives: Day to Day

More Wonderful Words!

Ava sure does amaze me every day! I know that every mother is in awe of their child and rightly so. These little people are amazing! While attending the Winter Carnival in McCall (sorry no pics. we forgot our camera!) Scott asked Ava what she would like to do after the parade. The conversation went like this,

Scott: Ava, when the parade is over would you like to go on the merry go round or go ice skating?
Ava: Well, I’ve already been on a Merry go Round but I’ve never tried ice skating before. I choose ice skating!

I think I almost fell out of my chair! I can just see her on Who Wants to be a Millionaire justifying her answers (and winning the million of course!).


Ava and I were playing a rhyming game in the car,

Ava: Mommy, what rhymes with doe?
Me: show
Ava: No Mommy, doe.
Me: Are you saying door?
Ava: No…. doe!
Me: (racking my brain trying to think what she could be saying) I’m hearing doe, like a female deer, or door, but that’s not what you’re saying?
Ava: ummmmmmm, doe, like when something is not sharp.
Me: Oh! dull.

I love that she can help me understand her in another way. And I love that she is so persistent that she doesn’t just give up. Like I said, amazing!


We went to Cascade with Crystal, Bret, David, and Tiff. They spent their days skiing and snowboarding while we spent time at the cabin.

Driving up to the cabin, Diablo, (David’s dog) loved resting his head on Scott’s shoulder.

Ava and Daddy taking apart the DVD player just for fun!


snowball fight


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my #1 pregnancy craving: german pancakes (with peaches and powdered sugar).