Category Archives: Jenn

What Does Mommy do When She’s Mad?

(adapted from: “How Does a Dinosaur Go to School?”)

What does Mommy do when she’s mad?

Does she scream?

Does she scold the kids for being bad?

Does she cuss?

Does she stomp both her feet?

Does she make a big fuss?

Does she cry?

Does she ask God why?

Does she throw a big tantrum and punch the wall?

Does she wonder why nobody is listening at all?


No. (not anymore!)

Mommy has taken an anger management (for parents) class.

She has learned that she is very normal, at last.

She now knows the importance of taking care of her self.

She has stopped putting her needs up high on a shelf.

She better understands what is making her mad.

It isn’t the kids, and it’s certainly not Dad.

She has learned to single each trigger out.

They no longer build until she screams and she shouts.

She has learned some positive discipline techniques.

The house is running so smoothly, she barely needs to speak.

Now Mommy rarely loses her cool.

Thank you, thank you, anger management school.

I don’t even know why I am blogging right now. I don’t have any news, I don’t have any fab pictures to post, quite frankly, I really don’t have anything to say. But it’s been a while so here I am. Actually the majority of our recent posts have been made by Scott (he’s so awesome!). I know I am not any busier than my other blogging friends, in fact, they are busier than I am and still manage to blog. I suppose I’m just not interesting or creative enough.

I have been in a selfish mood lately. Maybe if I just unload my desires I’ll be released of them.

Here we go:

*If I am tired, I just want to lay down and go to sleep.

*I want to go somewhere without the hassle of coats, socks, shoes, and buckles.

*I want to shop at the grocery store without having to play i-spy while concentrating on coupons, prices, and ingredients.

*If I’m feeling creative, I want to pull out the knitting needles or the sewing machine without guilt.

That’s all. I feel bad for having these selfish thoughts. I know there are tons of gals who would do anything to be in my shoes. I am so lucky to have two beautiful girls. I am so lucky I get to stay home with them. I don’t even have the right to complain.

See how lucky I am?





there! it feels good to get that off my chest.

31 Weeks!

Wow.. only 9 weeks to go! I can’t believe how time has gone by so quickly. Although I was super busy teaching while pregnant with Ava, 9 months seemed like an eternity. Now, I don’t feel like I am going to be ready for this one! I still have diapers to sew, our bedroom to rearrange, a garage to clean, and lots of cabinets and drawers to organize. And I still don’t have a single girl name. Which probably means it’s a girl. Of course there are some girl names I like for a week or two but I just haven’t heard “the one”. Poor little girl will be nameless for days after it’s born. Unfortunately we don’t really have days to choose a name. We are going to Denmark in September which means the little one is going to need a passport! How in tarnation are we going to get a passport in time? And this poor child’s going to have its newborn face as its passport pic for like 10 years.

Here are some current pictures of the baby belly! I even have a short video of the baby bouncing around but I need Scott’s help. For some reason I can’t get my videos to upload. Scott! I neeeeeeeeeeddd you! I mentioned this problem late one night and he told me to remind him to look at it the next day. Of course I forgot so the problem still remains. Maybe I’ll remind him tomorrow. Ha! Not with this forgetful brain of mine!

Look at that belly button poke out! Ava loves to touch it and say, “Baby’s Big!”
