Category Archives: Normal Posts

Just everyday normal posts

Funny Face

I love babies! They are so much fun and very fascinating. Both of my little girls had what we call the “funny face”. I was finally able to catch Annalise’s funny face on video! Warning: turn your volume down because our camera makes a squelching noise now. We think this is because of our new memory card. It’s awesome because it automatically uploads all of our pictures to our flickr account but not so awesome because of the interference.

I love that Annalise knows she’s being silly and laughs too!

And here’s a picture of Ava’s funny face:


Maybe every baby makes this funny face?

Shout out to Scott

As many of you know, I have some pretty severe pelvic pain which has really effected (affected?) my daily life. I can only walk short distances, can’t stand too long, and can’t lift Ava at all. I haven’t been professionally diagnosed but I am pretty sure I have pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain.

Scott has really stepped in and for that, I feel incredibly lucky (and loved)! He does the dishes, picks up the house, grocery shops.. etc. Last Thursday, Ava’s school had a field trip to the zoo. Scott took the morning off work to take her. It was definitely not zoo weather so he stopped at D&B and bought matching carhartt sweatshirts!

Scott and Ava in their matching shirts just getting home from the zoo.

Also, Scott took Ava to Cascade for the weekend just so that I can get some r&r before baby arrives. Thank you Scott for all the incredible things you do. I am so blessed to have you! I love you.

Farley’s Injury

Somehow Farley hurt her tail while at the Beach. She has a pretty bad cut and would not stop licking. We had to get her an E-Collar.



She kept running into us and scraping our legs so Scott put some rubber tubing around the edge. Now Farley looks like a flower!