Category Archives: Special Events

3+1 =4

31! That’s the magic number for Scott and I this year.

Happy Birthday Scott! You are (cue tina turner) simply the best! Duh-nuh-nuh-nuh.. better than all the rest… But seriously, you are the best. I think this photo says it all. You are caring, loving, helpful, strong, reliable, fun… you’re you and I love you!


I made Scott a Guinness cheesecake for his birthday. It was ugly but sure tasted yummy.


And Happy 4th Birthday to our sweet Ava June!

Ava helped me make dinosaur/volcano cupcakes:

I’m a very nostalgic-type person and was going through some old photos/videos. Here is one of my very favorite videos of Ava just shortly after turning 2! Watch it and you’ll see why I am so in love with this little girl!

Here’s an amazing fact for you: last year Scott and I turned 30; Ava turned 3. 3+0=3. This year we are 31; Ava is now 4. 3+1=4. And so it will continue this way for all of our 30’s. But wait.. it gets even more amazing. How could it possibly get more amazing you wonder? Well Annalise will turn 1 while we are 31. She’ll be 2 when we are 32. and so on and so forth. Forget the other 1/2 of the year when her age doesn’t match ours cuz that really doesn’t matter! All in all we are the perfect family.. It’s in the numbers!

Happy 93rd Grandma!

Ava patiently waiting for the candles to be put on the cake.

Grandma getting ready to blow out her candles.

Grandma asks Ava to help.


Opening present that Ava made and wrapped.


Crystal, Bret, and our sweet, adorable niece, Gabrielle.

We really wanted Ava in this picture, but she refused.

Happy Birthday Grandma! Thanks for sharing your special day with Ava June.. it meant the world to her.

Wait until she asks…

That was the advice given to me by a group of women at the very first powered parachute fly-in we attended. We were talking about when it would be appropriate for Ava to go flying with Scott.

It was Friday afternoon and Ava said, “Mommy, can we go flying this weekend?” Knowing Scott didn’t have any airplanes reserved through the club and we were finally going to have nice weather, I told her that maybe she could go flying with Daddy on his Powered Parachute.

When daddy came home she told him that she would like to go flying with him. After making sure he could securely strap in her carseat, he decided to give it a go!

Scott explained to Ava that they would take off, fly around for a few minutes, and then land. If she liked it, they would go back up. If she didn’t, they would pack up and go home.

Ava all strapped in, ears protected, ready to go.

buckling up for takeoff.

taking off…

up in the air!



As soon as they landed I heard Ava say, “I want to go again! They took off again and went on an 18 minute flight.

A thumbs up before take off #2.

Love the shoes on Daddy’s shoulders.

Waving to Mommy

So happy to be flying.

I asked Scott how she did in the air and he said she just said, “wheeeeeeee” the whole time. Looks like he has a new co-pilot!