Last Saturday, I had the privilege of flying with Scott on his first cross country flight in a fixed wing. He flew from Boise to Sun Valley, Sun Valley to Burley, and then back to Boise.
Here’s Scott getting the plane ready for flight
Me with my lovely headset on!
Scott piloting the plane

We took off at 6:30am – here’s the sun rising
Scott flew the entire route by pilotage (finding landmarks or towns to make sure he is heading the right direction), no gps! Tough thing to do when so much of Idaho is desolate. Much of his time was spent head down making sure we were on course. The guy on the right is Scott’s instructor, Ryan.
Here are a few shots of my view from Boise to Sun Valley.
Nothing spectacular to look at from Sun Valley to Burley or Burley to Boise.
The flight was so much fun. I am seriously addicted to flying.. I want to go again and again! I can’t wait until Scott is finished with training and we can take Ava. I think she will LOVE it!